Ultimate Pong
- Bottom paddle: Arrow keys
- Top paddle: a & d keys
- 1 player: Control bottom paddle against AI
First to 5 points wins. Good luck!
Advanced Details
You do not need to read this to play the game. It describes
advanced mechanics if you're interested.
- Ball moves faster (linearly) as the point goes on.
- Each powerup lasts for 5 seconds. Powerups do not stack. Upon collecting a powerup that is already in effects, the duration resets (i.e. lasts for 5 seconds).
- Ball bounce mechanics is analogous to light reflection. If the paddle is moving at the point of contact, it adds spin to the ball (i.e. offsets angle slightly).
- Maximum ball angle with respect to the x-axis is PI * 0.12. This prevents paddles from spinning the ball such that it ends up travelling parallel to the paddle.
- Moving right takes priority over moving left. If you press both right and left keys, the paddle moves right.