Let’s dive into the world of chess engines and how they communicate with sites like Lichess and Chess.com. We’ll take an existing engine and implement a handler for a popular protocol called UCI. Finally, we’ll briefly look at how to connect it to Lichess.

Disclaimer: This article is more technical than my other articles.

Chess is a very popular board game. It has been around for centuries. These days, you can use sites like Lichess or Chess.com. Such sites provide an interface for users to play chess.

There are also chess engines like Stockfish and Leela Chess Zero. Machine learning techniques for chess AI are in active development and new engines are being rolled out. To integrate these engines with the interfaces like LiChess, there must be a method for 2-way communication. For example, the interface sends the current board to the engine, then the engine sends back a move.


But that isn’t all! There are other important information. The engine might want to know how much time each player has, or whether someone has offered a draw. The interface might want to know whether the engine is ready to receive a new position, or whether it is still calculating.

In order for different interfaces and different engines to communicate seamelessly, we need to define a set of rules, or a protocol. We will look at one of the most popular protocols: UCI.

The need for UCI

One of the earliest user interfaces for chess that supported engines is XBoard (a.k.a. WinBoard), developed by Tim Mann in 1991.


XBoard uses the Chess Engine Communication Protocol (CECP), which was sufficient in those days. However, as chess engines became stronger and stronger, they soon were able to play multiple games at once. CECP is a stated protocol, which means the engine state depends on previous commands. Context switching between multiple games is possible but chaotic.

In 2000, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the author of multi-time World Computer Chess champion Shredder, proposed a new protocol alongside Rudolf Huber: the Universal Chess Interface (UCI). This is a stateless protocol which addresses the limitations of CECP. It allows communication via standard input/output text-based messages and long algebraic notation.


Example: Implementing UCI in Python

The current specification is available to download from the Shredder site (under Download UCI Chess Engine Protocol).

Let’s implement a bare-bones UCI handler from the engine’s perspective.

Assume we have written an AI class with a method choose_move that takes in the board state. We’ll use the python-chess library for game logic.

Essentially, we need a listener for commands from the interface. Since the pipeline is the standard input/output, we can simply use an infinite while loop. We will later see that we can handle the quit command by calling sys.exit().

import chess

if __name__=="__main__":
    board = chess.Board()
    # Assume we have already written an AI class
    ai = AI()

    while True:

Cool! Now, we need to write the service_uci_command function to service each of the various commands.

If you’ve downloaded the UCI spec, you’ll see a bunch of commands that the interface can send to the engine, like uci, isready, position [fen | startpos ] moves .... etc. An easy way to process them is to split each command into a list of words, treating each word as a token.

def service_uci_command(command: str, board: chess.Board, ai: AI):
    tokens = command.split()

Python 3.10 introduced match expressions, so let’s try that for readability instead of if/else statements.

We start off with the simple commands.

import sys

def service_uci_command(command: str, board: chess.Board, ai: Player):
    tokens = command.split()

    # First word of command
    match tokens[0]:
        # The spec states the engine must print these 3 lines
        case "uci":
            print("id name NameOfBot")
            print("id author FirstName LastName")

        # The spec states the engine must print this line
        case "isready":

        case "ucinewgame":
        case "quit":

The go command has a lot of information, including the time left, increment and other metadata. For a bare-bones implementation, we can ignore them and just invoke the AI to calculate the next move.

        case "go":
            move = ai.choose_move(board.fen())
            print(f"bestmove {move}")

Finally, there’s one last command that we must handle: position. This allows the interface to tell the engine the current board state. There are 2 options:

  1. position fen <fen> moves ....
  2. position startpos moves ....

Either way, the interface can send a list of moves, so we need to process that.

for move in tokens_moves:

The only difference is that fen consists of a FEN string (6 words) following the flag, while startpos trivially has no FEN string. Therefore, we must set tokens_move accordingly. Here’s the full code:

        case "position":
            match tokens[1]:
                case "fen":
                    # FEN has 6 words
                    fen = "".join(tokens[2:8])
                    tokens_moves = tokens[9:]
                case "startpos":
                    tokens_moves = tokens[3:]
                case _:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid position command")

            for move in tokens_moves:

We can ignore all other commands for now, as they are not compulsory.

For a full example, see https://github.com/j-freddy/chess-ai/blob/master/uci.py

Hooking the engine with LiChess

Lichess is a popular, open-source chess interface. Let’s configure it to host our engine by forking the official Python bridge between API and engines. The source code for the engine itself is also available.

This article will not teach you how to set up a Lichess bot. To do that, read Thibault's post. The documentation is very well maintained, so you are in good hands if you are a developer.

The bridge supports binary .exe engines that implement UCI. We can use PyInstaller to convert our Python repo into a standalone .exe file:

pyinstaller -F uci.py

Following the documentation instructions, we copy the .exe file to engines/ in the bridge repo and update config.yml accordingly. In particular, we have to comment out the uci_options configurations, since we skipped over them in our bare-bones UCI implementation.

Finally, run the bridge:

python lichess-bot.py -v
Here's my bot on LiChess: MirroredBot. It's probably offline, but it has played a few games.

I've only ever hosted it locally. That's why it's offline most of the time. Some bots, like Maia, are always online. How can we do that?

In today's world of cloud computing and microservices, we can rent a server and host our bot from there. Essentially, this just means renting a computer device in some data centre (e.g. one affiliated with Amazon Web Services), accessing it remotely, cloning and setting up the bridge like we've done before and running python lichess-bot.py -v.
